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The Creel Boat Kingfisher

WAVED FOR HELP Anstruther, Fife. At 11.6 a.m. on 5th February, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a man in a small boat off Cellandyke was reported to be waving for help. There was a gentle north-westerly breeze with a choppy sea, and the tide was ebbing. The life-boat James and Ruby Jackson launched at 11.15 and met the small creel boat Kingfisher with one man on board. As the small boat's engine had broken down and she was in a dangerous position close to the rocks, she was taken in tow and brought safely into harbour at 11.48.

The life-boat was moored until 5 p.m.

when the tide had flooded sufficiently for her to be rehoused..