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Mary Immaculate

ENGINE BROKE DOWN Galway Bay. At 12.10 a.m. on 6th January, 1964, the Galway police informed the honorary secretary through the Kilronan coast life-saving station that a fishing boat with four people on board was missing in Galway Bay. There was a moderate south-easterly breeze with a rough sea, and the tide was flooding.

The life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson set out at one o'clock and searched extensively south-west of Blackhead without finding the missing boat. After making inquiries at Galway police station the life-boat left again at 7.45 and an hour later located the fishing vessel Mary Immaculate with her engine broken down.

The fishing vessel was taken in tow and brought safely in to Galway docks at 10 o'clock. After a meal the life-boat crew left Galway docks at midday, arriving back at the station at 4 p.m..