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SOUGHT CALM WATER Stromness, Orkneys. At 5.48 p.m. on I4th March, 1964, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Norwegian motor vessel Joruna of Oslo wanted to be escorted to calm water.

There was a south-easterly storm force wind gusting to hurricane force with a very rough sea, and a flooding tide. The life-boat Archibald and Alexander M.

Paterson launched at 6.5 and at 8.42 reached the motor vessel anchored off Eynhallow Sound. The master indicated that he wished to move to a safe anchorage in Scapa Flow. As this would mean navigating the Hoy Sound in hurricane force winds with a strong tide the second coxswain went on board to act as a pilot. The Joruna was escorted safely to her new anchorage by the life-boat and the second coxswain was then transferred to the lifeboat which returned to her station at five o'clock..