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TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Penlee, Cornwall. At 11.30 a.m. on 2ist March, 1964, the port medical officer told the honorary secretary that the motor vessel Andania would arrive off Penzance at 5 p.m. bearing a sick man on board who needed hospital treatment. There was a moderate west-south-westerly breeze with a rough sea, and it was low water. The life-boat Solomon Browne launched at 5 p.m. and after embarking a doctor and ambulance crew at Newlyn, reached the Andania four miles south of Penzance at 5.55. The doctor examined the sick man aboard the vessel and transferred him to the life-boat. From Newlyn he was taken to hospital by ambulance. The life-boat was left on moorings at Newlyn, being unable to rehouse because of bad weather..