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A Paravane

DECEPTIVE PARAVANE At 1.46 a.m. on I4th February, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a white flashing light had been seen half a mile east-south-east of Ventnor coastguard look-out. The life-boat crew assembled while further inquiries were made about the light, since no casualty had been reported. At 3.3 the coastguard reported that the light was south-east of St. Catherine's Point drifting to the west. There was a near gale from the south-east with a very rough sea. The life-boat Cunard, on temporary duty at the station, launched at 3.1 r on an ebbing tide and went to the position given. At 5.37 the life-boat found a paravane with a flashing white light attached. This was towed back to the station where the lifeboat arrived at 7.35..