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New Appointments and Staff Retirements

Commander H. B. ACWORTH, O.B.E., R.N., has been appointed Assistant Chief Inspector from the ist January, 1964. He was previously District In- spector (General).

Mr. R. D. PIKE has been appointed Assistant District Inspector (South- East). He took temporary charge of the South-East District, under the super- vision of Commander Acworth, on the 13th January, 1964.

Lieutenant D. J. WILFORD, R.N.R., has been appointed Assistant District Inspector (General) and will begin his duties after training.

Among those who retired at the end of 1963 were three senior members of staff who had served the Institution for over 40 years.

The Institution wishes a long and happy retirement to: Mr. M. T. Byrne, Accountant.

Mr. C. M. Sargeant, Assistant Public Relations Officer.

Mr. W. G. Byford, City Branch Sec- retary..