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Loch Lorgan (1)

TRAWLER AGROUND At 2 p.m. on I3th December, 1963, the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched at the request of the Colne Fishing Company to lay out an anchor in an attempt to refloat the trawler Loch Lorgan of Lowestoft which was ashore at Great Yarmouth. There was a fresh northeasterly wind with a rough sea, and it was low water. The anchor which the owner of the trawler had supplied was laid with 120 fathoms of trawl wire. At high water the master of the trawler asked the coxswain to try and tow the vessel off but the tow rope parted and the vessel was washed ashore again. The life-boatreached her station at nine o'clock. On I5th December, 1963, the life-boat was launched at 3.30 p.m. at the request of the Fire Brigade Chief Officer to stand by the trawler in case she refloated, as the engine room and after cabin were flooded.

The Loch Lorgan was eventually pumped dry but she did not refloat and the lifeboat returned to moorings at ten o'clock.

On i6th December, the weather was calm and there was dense fog. The life-boat left her station for the third time at 6.50 a.m. and using her direction finding equipment helped to bring a tug close to the trawler. The trawler's crew and firemen were aboard the Loch Lorgan and the life-boat stood-by for a time until the manager of the trawler company said that no further help was required.

The life-boat returned to her station at 10.50.

The life-boat was also called out on 5th November, 1963..