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Life-Boat Societies

The Royal National Life-boat Institution agreed to a request made at the International Life-boat Conference that it should as a distributing centre for information which may be of general interest to all Life-boat Societies. The Institution sent a uest to all Life-boat Societies overseas to supply up-to-date information of the strength of their fleet and the nature of their nces. The following table is based on the answers received as at January 1964: Country Name of Society Strength of Fleet Nature of Finances Department of Public Works Vic- toria Ports and Harbour Branch.

Ministers des Communications, Administration de la Marine.

Department of Transport.

Cuerpo de Voluntaries "Botes Salvavidas".


Suomen Meripelastusseura.

Societe Centrale de Sauvetage des Naufrages.

Societe des Hospitaliers Sauveteurs Bretons.

Deutsche Gessellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbruchiger.

Royal National Life-boat Institution.

Slysavarnafelag Islands.

Department of Lighthouses and Lightships. Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Societa Nazionale di Salvamento.

Nihon Suinan Kyusai Kai.

Koninklijke Noord-en-Zuid- Hollandsche Redding- Maatschappij.

Koninklijke Zuid-Hollandsche Maatschappij tot Redding van Schipbreukelingen.

Sumner Life-boat Institution (Canty) Inc.

Norsk Selskab til Skibbrudnes Redning.

Polskie Ratownictwo Okretowe Institute de Socorros a Naufragos Sociedad Espanola de Salvamento de Naufragos Svenska Sallskapet for Raddning af Skeppsbrutne Maritime Bank T.A.O.

Coast Security Exploitation Associacion Honararia de Salva- mentos, Maritimos y Fluviales.

United States Coast Guard Emergency Rescue Service of the U.S.S.R.

1 motor life-boat.

3 motor life-boats.

3 motor life-boats.

2 motor life-boats.

26 motor life-boats.

11 pulling and sailing life- boats.

4 patrolling rescue cruisers.

13 motor life-boats.

56 motor life-boats.

2 pulling and sailing life- boats. 2 inshore rescue boats 9 motor life-boats.

30 motor beach patrol boats.

105 inshore rescue boats.

6 rescue cruisers with daughter boats.

6 middle sized motor life- boats.

8 small shore motor life- boats.

148 motor life-boats.

25 inshore rescue boats.

3 motor life-boats.

4 patrolling rescue cruisers.

14 pulling surf boats.

1 ambulance aircraft.

2 motor life-boats.

3 life-boats.

34 motor life-boats.

67 pulling life-boats.

25 motor life-boats.

8 motor life-boats.

1 motor life-boat.

2 pulling life-boats (reserve), 32 rescue vessels.

6 patrolling rescue cruisers.

6 motor life-boats.

2 salvage tugs.

23 motor life-boats.

23 pulling and sailing life- boats.

8 motor life-boats.

10 patrolling rescue cruisers.

12 motor life-boats, 7 motor life-boats.

2 pulling and sailing life-boat: i motor life-boat 1,344 motor boats i 012 pulling boais 220 motor boats.

3,000 pulling boats.

2 rescue cruisers.

State financed.

State financed.

State financed.

Voluntary contributions with a small State grant.

State financed.

Voluntary contributions with a small State subsidy.

Voluntary contributions but with State subsidies for maintenance and new construction.

Voluntary contributions with State and municipal subsidies.

Solely by voluntary contributions.

Solely by voluntary contributions.

Voluntary contributions with State and municipal subsidies.

State financed Voluntary contributions with municipal subsidies.

Solely by voluntary contributions, Solely voluntary contributions.

Voluntary contributions with an occasional government grant.

Voluntary contributions — Aided by State subsidy.

State financed.

Voluntary contributions with State subsidies.

Voluntary contributions with sub- sidies from official organizations.

Voluntary contributions.

Financed by Turkish Maritime Bank.

Voluntary contributions with a small State grant.

State financed.

State financed.

* The Canadian Life-saving Service is co-ordinated with the Air-Sea Rescue Services..