Advanced search


LOST PROPELLER Margate, Kent. At 7.7 p.m. on 9th October, 1963, the pilot office at Margate told the honorary secretary that a boat was flashing a light near Foreness Point.

The coastguard was informed of the incident, and while they were investigating two members of the life-boat crew telephoned to report they had also seen a flashing light, nearer the shore under the cliffs. There was a light west-northwesterly breeze and a slight sea. The tide was ebbing. The life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. u) was launched at 7.30 and found the trawler Inchzvorm, which had lost her propeller, anchored near the Foreness rocks. A tow line was made fast and the Inchworm was towed into Margate harbour arriving at 8.45..