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HELP FOR DUTCH VESSEL At 7.24 p.m. on I7th November, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Dutch motor vessel Heiloo, of Flushing, was aground on the Knoll Sands. There was a gale from the southsouth- west with a rough sea. The life-boat Sir Godfrey Baring launched at 7.45 on a flood tide. She stood by until the vessel refloated on the rising tide, and then escorted her into the Colne Estuary, where the Heiloo anchored. As the vessel had grounded amidships her master feared her bottom might have been damaged and asked the life-boat to stand by during the night. The following morning the Heiloo proceeded up the river Colne and the lifeboat returned to moorings at Brightlingsea, being unable to re-house in the bad weather. The life-boat crew returned by road to Clacton, arriving at 9.30 a.m. on i8th November, 1963. An attempt was was made to re-house the life-boat on I9th November, 1963, but soon after she left the weather deteriorated and the life-boat put back into Brightlingsea harbour. The life-boat was eventually taken back to her station and re-housed on the 20th.

The life-boat was also called out on 27th November..