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Fishing Vessels and two R.A.F. Pinnaces

NORTH-EAST ENGLAND Bridlington, Yorkshire. At 9.15 a.m.

on 4th November, 1963, the honorary secretary was told that ten fishing vessels were at sea in worsening weather conditions. By 1.25 p.m. the wind had increased to near gale force from the eastsouth- east and as the fishing vessels were beginning to arrive off the harbour it was decided to launch the life-boat. The lifeboat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield II was launched at 1.45 in a rough sea. The tide was flooding. The life-boat escorted the fishing vessels to Bridlington harbour and then returned to escort two 65-foot R.A.F. pinnaces, one of whose engines had broken down. The life-boat returned to her station at 4.15..