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Arthur Albright

ROUGH PASSAGE St. Ives, Cornwall. At 2.50 p.m. on 26th November, 1963, the medical officer for the port of Penzance and Mount's Bay area informed the honorary secretary that the motor vessel Arthur Albright, expected in the area at 4.10, had a sick man on board who required hospital treatment.

There was a near gale from the northnorth- west with a very rough sea. The tide was ebbing. The life-boat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child launched at 3.30 and a stretcher from the St. Ives Ambulance Brigade was taken on board.

The life-boat came up with the Arthur Albright off St. Ives Head, and on the advice of the coxswain the motor vessel followed the life-boat into smoother water in St. Ives Bay. The life-boat first- aider went on board the motor vessel to supervise and check the arrangements for moving the patient, who was safely transferred to the life-boat in the lee made by the motor vessel. The patient was later taken into a waiting ambulance at St.

Ives pier and driven to hospital. The lifeboat returned to her station at 5.30..