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A Motor Boat and a Dinghy

LOST THEIR DINGHY St. David's, Pembrokeshire. At 6.15 p.m. on i8th October, I963,thecoastguard told the acting honorary secretary that two fires and a flashing light had been seen on Ramsey Island. At 6.19 the lifeboat Joseph Soar (Civil Service No. 34), with a doctor and policeman on board was launched in a gentle to moderate south-south-westerly breeze and slight sea. The tide was flooding. When approach- ing Ramsey Island a small light was seen to the north of the harbour. On investigation the life-boat found two men baling out a motor boat whose engine would not start. A fibre glass dinghy used by the two men to take them from the harbour to the motor boat had been lost. The lifeboat searched for the lost dinghy for a while but could find no trace of it. She returned to her station with the two men at 7.45..