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A Home-Made Raft

HOLLAND-BOUND RAFT Walton and Frinton, Essex. At 4.50 p.m. on 5th November, 1963, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a home-made raft showing a white light was drifting out of Harwich harbour. At 5.8 the life-boat Edian Courtauld left her moorings in a light south-easterly breeze and slight sea. The tide was ebbing. The coxswain, using parachute flares, found the raft with one man on board half a mile north-west of the Cork lightvessel. The raft, with a full rig of square mainsail and topsail, foresail and mizzen all set, was trying to sail from Ipswich to Holland.

The life-boat took the raft in tow to Harwich and then returned to her station at 11.30..