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A Fishing Boat and Adventure

ADVENTURE AT SEA Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. At 3.18 p.m. on zyth November, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a boat had been called out from Mudeford under the inshore rescue scheme to the help of another boat firing red flares off Highcliffe. Later the honorary secretary was told that the boat from Mudeford had taken the fishing boat Adventure with a crew of two in tow and was having difficulty in crossing the bar at Chichester harbour because of the state ofthe tide and heavy seas. The life-boat The Earl and Countess Howe left her moorings at 3.38 in a southerly gale and reached the two boats off Hordel Point. The crew of the fishing boat had managed to restart their engine and were beginning to make slow progress towards Keyhaven. The lifeboat escorted the Adventure to Keyhaven and returned to her station at 5.15..