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Yvonne Risager

TWO HOUR WAIT BEFORE ENTERING HARBOUR Dunbar, East Lothian. At. 6.15 on the evening of Tuesday the 3rd September, 1963, the honorary secretary received a message from the coastguard that the life-boat coxswain had been told by the skipper of the m.f.v. Thorntree that m.f.v. Yvonne Risager, 14 tons, had broken down nine miles north-east of Dunbar. The life-boat Margaret put off at 6.30 in a gentle breeze and slight sea on the half ebb. The life-boat found the casualty five miles east of Dunbar. The life-boat took her in tow and reached the harbour entrance at nine o'clock but owing to the casualty's draft had to wait until eleven o'clock before there was sufficient water at the bar to bring the boat with its crew of three and two passengers into harbour. The life-boat returned to station at 11.25 p.m..