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Two Sailing Dinghies

SIX PEOPLE THROWN INTO SEA Bembridge, Isle of Wight. At 12.57 on the morning of Tuesday the 27th of August, 1963, the Bembridge coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a sailing dinghy had capsized and that another sailing dinghy which had gone to her assistance had also capsized. At 1.11 the life-boat Jesse Lumb launched in a moderate west-north-westerly wind and a slight sea. It was two hours after low water. The life-boat took one dinghy in tow and returned to her station, arriving at 2.40. The second dinghy was baled out and sailed to Bembridge by a member of the life-boat crew. The three young people on board each of the two dinghies were picked up by a shore boat from Forelands..