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Two Dinghies

RESCUED MAN'S DOUBLE DONATIONS Skegness, Lincolnshire. The Skegness coastguard told the coxswain at 12.16 on the afternoon of Monday the 9th September, 1963, that a dinghy with two people on board had capsized off Jackson's Corner. The life-boat The Cuttle was launched at 12.40. The weather was fine with good visibility and a smooth sea but there was a strong breeze from the west. It was reported that another dinghy with two people on board was standing by the capsized boat, but both were blowing out to sea on the wind and tide. At 1.50 the Lifeboat reported that they had picked up two dinghies and three men—the fourth man had managed to get ashore before the boats were blown out to sea. By the time the life-boat located the dinghies they were two miles off Vickers Point, and four and a half miles north of Skegness. A helicopter circled the two dinghies until the life-boat reached them. The life-boat returned to her station at 4.30. One of the boats' owners made a gift to the life-boat crew. He later made another donation to the Institution's funds with a letter of warm appreciation of the life-boat's services..