HELICOPTER-LIFE-BOAT SEARCH FOR MISSING MAN Bembridge, Isle of Wight. At 2.30 p.m.
on Wednesday the 10th of July, 1963, the life-boat coxswain reported that a man who had put off for a fishing trip off Bembridge in the fishing boat Twilight, had last been seen at eight o'clock in the vicinity of the East Princessa buoy but had not been heard of or seen since.
Anxiety was felt for his safety and at 2.48 the life-boat Jesse Lumb was launched in a fresh west-south-west wind and rough sea. It was high water.
The life-boat made a search, assisted by a helicopter, and at 3.15 found the Twilight being towed by a pilot boat off Nab End Rock. The fishing boat's engine would not start. The life-boat took over the tow, moored the Twilight at Bembridge and arrived back at her station at 4.17 p.m..