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The Alacrity

COLLIER AGROUND IN THICK FOG Sennen Cove, Cornwall. At 12.6 pjn.

on Friday the 13th September, 1963, the St. Just coastguard reported that a vessel was aground at Portheras Cove and the services of the life-boat might be required.

After further inspection the coastguard requested the launch of the life-boat. There was a thick fog with visibility of only ten yards, light aks from the north-east and a smooth sea. The life-boat Susan Ashley, in the command of the second coxswain, was launched at 1.40, arrived at the casualty at 2.27 and went alongside. She was the Alacrity of 500 tons, loaded with coal and on passage from Swansea to Belgium with a crew of eight. Two of the life-boat's crew went aboard and helped launch the ship's boat, which was used to bring a salvage punt off from the shore. At 3.30 the life-boat anchored about 50 yards astern of the casualty to await further developments. At 6.34 the honorary secretary asked if it was still necessary to stand by the casualty. The Alacrity's master was consulted, and at 7.1 the coastguard was able to tell the honorary secretary that the life-boat was returning to her station. The life-boat was rehoused at eight o'clock..