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Notts Forest

SICK MAN LANDED FROM TRAWLER Stornoway, Outer Hebrides. At 11.35 on the night of Tuesday the 30th of July, 1963, the Stornoway coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the trawler Notts Forest of Grimsby, on passage to Stornoway to land a sick man, had requested the life-boat meet her with a doctor. The life-boat James and Margaret Boyd was launched at 11.50 in a moderate west-south-westerly wind and a moderate sea. It was an hour and a half after low water. The life-boat sailed northwards to intercept the trawler two miles east of Tolsta Head and the doctor was placed on board her.

At 2.20 the sick man was transferred to the life-boat, which returned to Stornoway where he was taken to hospital.

The life-boat reached her station at 4.0. Earlier that evening a helicopter had left Stornoway Airport in the hope of conveying the sick man from the vessel but unfortunately, because of bad visibility, had failed to sight the trawler..