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ELEVEN SAVED FROM STRANDED LAUNCH Margate, Kent. At 10.40 on the evening of Sunday the 25th of August, 1963, the coastguard reported he had seen three red rockets north-west of Margate.

This was confirmed by the Reculver coastguard, who estimated the position of the rockets about three miles north of the lookout. The coxswain decided to launch the life-boat, North Foreland (Civil Service No. 11), at 10.57 p.m. in a strong south-west wind and moderate seas. It was low water. After a forty minute search in the area a small light was seen between the Hook and Last sands. With the aid of the echo sounder the life-boat managed to keep afloat among the sandbanks and get within hailing distance of the 30-ton motor launch Midnight, cruising from Gravesend to Calais with 11 people, including three women and a child, on board.

There were gale force winds and very rough seas at the casualty. The launch's three engines had failed and the owner asked for immediate assistance as the launch was rolling heavily. While trying to get a tow rope and the second coxswain aboard, the launch rolled on the life-boat and caused slight damage.

After much difficulty the life-boat got the rope aboard and started towing at 12.25 a.m., arriving at Margate at 4.30.

The life-boat was rehoused at a quarter past six..