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TWO SAVED AFTER MOTOR BOAT STRIKES ROCK Coverack, Cornwall. At 4.30 p.m. on Tuesday the 16th of July, 1963, the second coxswain and the mechanic told the honorary secretary that a motor boat had run ashore on rocks half a mile south-west of the life-boat station and that cries for help had been heard.

There was a light westerly wind and slight sea. The life-boat William Taylor of Oldham was launched at 4.30 on the ebb tide. The second coxswain was in command in the absence of the coxswain, who was attending a Royal Garden Party in London. The life-boat came up with the motor boat Jean, which had struck a submerged rock and was listing badly, at 4.55. The motor boat was towed off the rocks by the life-boat and the two occupants were rescued.

The life-boat took the motor boat in tow to Coverack, arriving back at her station at 5.50..