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Five Fishing Boats and Bairn's Pride

SIX FISHING BOATS ESCORTED Arbroath, Angus. On Friday the 30th August, 1963, at 8.45 a.m. the coastguard telephoned the honorary secretary to say that five fishing boats had gone to sea early that morning and were now returning to harbour. The sea was rough with a near gale blowing from the south-east. The life-boat The Duke of Montrose was launched at nine o'clock when the first fishing boat appeared at the harbour entrance. She stood by until all the boats had reached safety.

The life-boat then entered the inner harbour and was again ready for service at 12.34 p.m. At ten minutes past three that afternoon the coastguard telephoned the honorary secretary when the fishing boat Bairn's Pride appeared off the harbour. She was contacted by radio and reported she had a fouled propeller.

Her skipper was advised to stay at sea until there was sufficient water for a safe entry. The life-boat stood by the Bairn's Pride until she entered harbour at eight o'clock, when the life-boat was berthed in the inner dock and was ready for service again at nine o'clock..