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Dolce Vita

MOTOR BOAT TOWED BACK TO HARBOUR Weymouth, Dorset. At ten o'clock on the night of Sunday the 18th August, 1963, the Wyke coastguard reported to the honorary secretary that a red flare had been seen a mile east of Grove Point. At 10.22 the life-boat Frank Spiller Locke was launched. There was a fresh west-north-west wind, a rough sea and the tide was half ebb. The life-boat made a search and located the local motor yacht Dolce Vita with a crew of four, three miles south-east of Grove Point. Her engines had broken down.

The life-boat towed her to the harbour and arrived back at her station at 12.5 the next morning. The owner made gifts to the life-boat crew and to the funds of the Institution..