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Boy Bryn

FISHING BOAT ADRIFT ALL NIGHT Khyl, Flintshire. At 10.38 on the morning of Tuesday the 2nd of July, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a call had been received for help from the motor fishing vessel Boy Bryn approximately a mile off Abergele railway station. The life-boat Anthony Robert Marshall was launched at 10.50 in a light south-easterly breeze and a slight sea two hours after high water. The life-boat found the Boy Bryn with one man on board. A tow line was connected and the boat taken to Rhyl, arriving there at low water. After waiting for the flood tide the tow was resumed and the Boy Bryn was subsequently berthed at the quayside in Rhyl harbour. Her owner said that he had lost his anchor off the Hoyle Banks and had been adrift all night with a broken engine. The life-boat reached her station at 9.15 p.m..