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LIFE-BOAT STANDS BY POLISH TRAWLER North Sunderland, Northumberland. At 4.30 a.m. on Saturday the 20th of July, 1963, the Seahouses coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the trawler Arka, of Gdynia, was aground on Knavestone Rock. The life-boat Grace Darling was launched at 4.48 in a gentle west-north-westerly wind and smooth sea. It was an hour and a half after high water. The life-boat found the trawler and was informed that a tug was on her way to help and that she required no immediate assistance. The life-boat returned to her station and later returned to the trawler when the tug was expected. The trawler was safely towed off the rocks and the lifeboat returned to her station at 3.50 p.m..