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A Rowing Boat

FOUR EXHAUSTED OARSMEN RESCUED Port Erin, Isle of Man. At 8.40 p.m.

on Saturday the 20th of July, 1963, the Port Erin police constable told the honorary secretary that a small boat was adrift in Calf Sound and that he was driving up by car to make certain of the position. At 9.20 the constable returned to say that a small boat was definitely in difficulties. There was a light south-easterly breeze with a slight sea. The life-boat Matthew Simpson was launched on the flood tide at 9.25 and she came up with the rowing boat at 9.55 and rescued the four people on board. They were exhausted and unable to row any further. The rowing boat was towed back to Port Erin. The life-boat returned to her station at half past eleven..