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A Fishing Yawl and a Motor Boat

ESCORT FOR YAWL AND MOTOR BOAT Longhope, Orkney. At 10.45 a.m. on Monday the 29th of July, 1963, the honorary secretary was informed by the bowman of the life-boat that a small fishing yawl was being towed by a motor boat and they were in difficulties in the Pentland Firth. At 11.50 the lifeboat T.G.B. was launched in a fresh south-south-easterly wind and slight sea.

It was five hours after high water. At 11.55 it was reported that the tow rope had parted. Another line was soon passed and the life-boat escorted the two boats to their home port at Kirk Bay. The life-boat returned to her station at 1.20 p.m..