Thomas Hardy
INJURED MAN TAKEN OFF COLLIER Bridlington, Yorkshire. At 11.25 on the morning of the 11th April, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that there was a sick man aboard the Grimsby trawler Yesso, which was then ten miles north of Flamborough Head.
While themaroons werebeingfiredinformation was received that there was also an injured man on board the collier Thomas Hardy of Tyne, which was due to arrive in the bay at noon. Two ambulances were summoned, and it was learnt that a helicopter from the R.A.F.
station at Leconfield was flying to the trawler Yesso. The life-boat Howard D., on temporary duty at the station, was launched at noon with a doctor on board to meet the Thomas Hardy. The weather was calm and it was low water. A man with a broken leg was transferred from the collier to the life-boat. After being landed he was taken to hospital by ambulance. The life-boat reached her station at 1.45. The man on board the Yesso had died of a heart attack and the helicopter took off the body..