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The S.S. Hudson Sound

SICK MAN TAKEN OFF STEAMER Cromer, Norfolk. At 5.10 on the afternoon of the 5th April, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a member of the crew of the s.s. Hudson Sound of London was suffering from a severe pain under a rib and needed a doctor. The no. 2 life-boat Harriot Dixon was launched at six o'clock with a doctor on board in a moderate north-easterly breeze and a moderate sea. It was just after high water. The lifeboat reached the Hudson Sound, which was two miles east of Cromer, and the doctor went aboard to examine the sick man. It was decided to bring him ashore, and the doctor and the seaman were transferred to the life-boat, which then returned to her station, arriving at 7.15. The patient was taken to hospital by ambulance..