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SIX STUDENTS TAKEN OFF DINGHY Moelfre, Anglesey. At 5.5. on the afternoon of the 28th April, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small dinghy was in distress six miles north-north-east of Moelfre Island. There was a strong south-southwesterly breeze with a moderate sea.

The weather was misty. The life-boat Edmund and Mary Robinson, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 5.15 on an ebbing tide. She made for the position given and came up with the dinghy Scimitar, which had six students on board, at 5.55. The outboard engine of the dinghy had failed, and the students were taken on board the life-boat. The life-boat then towed the dinghy to Traeth Bychan, where the survivors were put ashore. A helicopter also took off but arrived after the survivors had been taken on board the life-boat. The life-boat reached her station at seven o'clock..