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FISHING COBLE FINDS BODY OF BOY Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire. At 5.38 on the evening of the 4th May, 1963, the coastguard told the honorary secretary of a report that a boy had fallen over the cliffs at Rosehearty bombing range. The police were already investigating, and at six o'clock the coastguard reported that it did not appear that the life-boat would be needed. A little later, however, the coastguard asked for the help of the lifeboat The Duchess of Kent, and at 7.15 she was launched in a gentle south-southwesterly breeze and a slight sea. It was one hour after high water. The life-boat reached the position and found that the body of the boy had been picked up by a fishing coble. The body was taken aboard the life-boat, which then returned to her station, arriving at 8.50..