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WOMAN RESCUED AFTER FALL FROM CLIFF Howth, Co. Dublin. At 2.25 on the afternoon of the 15th April, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a woman had fallen over a cliff, a few hundred yards south of the Martello tower, and the help of the life-boat was needed. The life-boat H. F. Bailey, on temporary duty at the station, put out at 2.42 in a light southerly breeze and a smooth sea with her boarding boat in tow. It was two hours before high water. On reaching the position, the coxswain sent in the boarding boat with three members of the life-boat crew and a stretcher on board.

The woman was laid on the stretcher and ferried out to the life-boat in the boarding boat. A doctor, who was staying in the neighbourhood, volunteered to accompany the woman back in the life-boat to Howth harbour, which was reached at four o'clock. The woman was landed and taken to hospital by an ambulance..