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New Baltic Exchange Life-Boat

The new life-boat at Salcombe, which was given the name The Baltic Exchange to commemorate the support received by the Institution over many years from the Baltic Exchange, was named by Mrs. H. M. Whithouse, the widow of a former Chairman of the Baltic Ex- change, at Salcombe on the 20th June, 1963. The life-boat is one of the 47-foot Watson type.

Dr. H. Vernon Taylor, chairman of the Salcombe branch, took the chair, and after Lieut-Commander H. H.

Harvey, western district inspector, had described the life-boat Lord Kilmar- nock, Vice-Chairman of the Baltic Exchange, presented her to the Institu- tion. Sir Eric Seal, a member of the Committee of Management, accepted her and handed her over to the branch, on whose behalf the Rev. D. Morgan- Richards, honorary secretary of the branch, received her.

The Bishop of Birmingham, the Rt.

Rev. J. L. Wilson, dedicated the life- boat assisted by the Rev. J. D. S.

Turnbull, Vicar of Salcombe, and the Rev. Wilfred J. Tyrer. After a vote of thanks proposed by Mr. W. Petrie Nicholls Mrs. Whithouse named the life-boat, which was then launched.

Music was played by the Royal Marine Band, Infantry Training Centre of the Royal Marines..