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Etoile d'Arvor

TOW FOR FRENCH TRAWLER WITH ENGINE TROUBLE St. Ives, Cornwall. At six o'clock on the evening of the 12th June, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the French trawler Etoile d'Arvor was disabled three miles west of Pendeen lighthouse. At 6.35 the life-boat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child was launched in a light northwesterly breeze and a slight sea. The life-boat proceeded close inshore to evade a strong flood tide while the trawler continued under sail towards St. Ives. In poor visibility the life-boat passed the trawler some three miles out, and the honorary secretary redirected her to a position some three miles north-west of St. Ives head, where the trawler had been seen. The life-boat took the Etoile d'Arvor, which had engine trouble, in tow to a safe anchorage in St. Ives Bay and reached her station at 10.15..