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TWO LIFE-BOATS IN NIGHT SEARCH Longhope, and Stromness, Orkneys.

At 8.17 on the evening of the 27th May, 1963, the motor mechanic informed the Stromness honorary secretary that the family of a man who had gone out in the motor vessel Desire to set lobster pots felt concern for his safety. Enquiries were made, and the honorary secretary was advised that a boat answering the description had been seen off Rackwick Bay, Isle of Hoy, about three o'clock.

There was a gentle westerly breeze with a very rough sea. The Stromness lifeboat Archibald and Alexander M.

Paterson was launched at 8.30 on a flooding tide and began to carry out an extensive search along the coast. The Longhope life-boat station as the flank station had been alerted at 8.45, and the Longhope honorary secretary decided that in view of the heavy ground swell the life-boat should also be launched to help in the search. The Longhope lifeboat T.G.B. was launched at 10.25 and began to search close inshore from Tor Ness to Rackwick. When she was off The Berry wreckage was sighted. This proved to be the keel of a boat, and the life-boat towed it back to Longhope for positive identification by the coastguard.

The wreckage was identified as being of the Desire and the Stromness life-boat was recalled. The Longhope life-boat reached her station at 12.20, the Stromness life-boat reaching hers at 1.30.

At two o'clock the coastguard informed the Stromness honorary secretary that he had been advised that the missing man was wearing a life-jacket and was a strong swimmer. In view of this the Archibald and Alexander M.

Paterson was launched again at 2.45 to continue the search. She carried out an extensive search along the coast and around the area where the wreckage had been found, but it was of no avail.

The life-boat was therefore recalled and finally reached her station at 7.30..