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Cramond Baig

CABIN CRUISER TAKEN IN TOW Campbeltown, Argyllshire. At 5.58 on the evening of the 17th June, 1963, the Southend coastguard passed on to the honorary secretary a report that a small boat about a mile off Glenchervie, near the entrance to the Sound of Sanda, had burnt a flare and sounded a siren. At 6.6 the life-boat City of Glasgow II left her moorings. She made a search in a light south-south-easterly wind, a choppy sea and a flooding tide and found the cabin cruiser Cramond Baig of Campbeltown, with a crew of two, two miles south of Johnston's Point. The cabin cruiser's engine had broken down, and the life-boat towed her to Campbeltown, which was reached at 8.15. The owner and his father made a donation to the Institution's funds.

An anonymous donation was also received..