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Best Wreck Service of the Year

The Hartland (Devon) life-saving apparatus company has been awarded the Minister of Transport's shield for the best wreck service for the year 1962- 1963. The award has been made for the rescue of the crew of seven of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker Green Ranger on the night of 17th 18th November, 1962.

The Ministry citation describes the rescue as "among the most difficult and hazardous Coastguard services ever carried out on this notoriously difficult coast".

The Green Ranger, a tanker of 3,500 tons, was on tow from Plymouth to Cardiff for repair when the tow line parted and the tanker was driven ashore among jagged rocks at the foot of high cliffs. The Appledore and Clovelly life- boats were both launched, and for his services on this occasion Coxswain Sidney Cann of Appledore was awarded the Institution's silver medal for gal- lantry. A full account of this service appeared in the March 1963 number of the Life-boat on page 403.

A force 10 gale was blowing with gusts of hurricane speed accompanied by hail and sleet. Two attempts by the L.S.A. company to reach the ship by rocket line from the cliff proved impos- sible, and rescue had to be made from the beach, the life-saving gear being carried down the face of the 400-foot cliff in the dark. H.M.S. Agincourt was able to give valuable help by shining her searchlight on the face of the cliff.

Rocks as Big as Houses Giant rocks on the foreshore, some as big as houses, made progress very slow, as the rocks were slippery and swept by spume and spray. The normal method of laying out the life-saving gear could not be adopted and a new method of securing had to be improvised. The seven men were taken off by breeches buoy, two members of the L.S.A.

company climbing out on a rock as far into the sea as possible in order to help them ashore.

The most difficult task of all was bringing the rescued men up the precipitous cliff face of loose slippery shale. It was fifteen hours after rescue operations had begun that the L.S.A.

company finally completed its task..