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FRENCH TRAWLER TOWED THROUGH HEAVY SEAS Gal way Bay. At 1.30 on the morning of the 17th April, 1963, Valentia radio informed the honorary secretary that a French trawler needed help ten miles south-west of North Aran light. The life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson put out at 2.30 in a strong south-westerly breeze and a heavy sea. The tide was flooding. After reaching the area indicated the life-boat had to search for two hours before finding the trawler Allantide, which had a crew of eleven, seven to eight miles west of the North Aran light. A tow line from the trawler was secured, but this soon parted. A second attempt was made, but this too was unsuccessful.

The life-boat's anchor cable was used next, but this also parted in the heavy seas. Once again the cable was secured together with the nylon securing rope, but the cable parted again within twenty minutes. The nylon rope, however, held, and by this means the lifeboat succeeded in towing the trawler to Kilronan pier. The life-boat finally reached her station at 2.30..