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A Sailing Dinghy

HELICOPTER AND LIFE-BOAT IN SEARCH FOR DINGHY Cromer, Norfolk. At 12.34 on the afternoon of the 12th May, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small sailing dinghy was in difficulty four miles north-east of Haisboro' lightvessel. At 12.48 the no. 1 lifeboat Henry Blogg was launched in a fresh south-westerly breeze and a choppy sea. The tide was half ebb. A helicopter which was also searching reported that the dinghy was approximately a mile and a half off Haisboro'. The life-boat found the dinghy, which had been blown out to sea, three miles off Haisboro', with one man on board. He was very wet and cold. The life-boat took him on board and took the dinghy in tow, and the owner asked for the dinghy to be towed to Eccles beach, from where he would row ashore. After towing the dinghy to the beach the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 4.45..