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The Dowsing Lightvessel

DOCTOR TAKEN TO LIGHTVESSEL Humber, Yorkshire. At 4.33 on the afternoon of the 7th January, 1963, the Superintendent of Trinity House at Great Yarmouth informed the coxswain superintendent that the master of the Dowsing lightvessel had been injured and needed medical help. The life-boat City of Bradford III was launched at five o'clock with a doctor on board in a strong easterly breeze and a very rough sea. It was one hour after high water.

The life-boat reached the lightvessel at 8.30 and the doctor went aboard her.

After being given first aid the injured man was transferred to the life-boat, which then made for Grimsby, where she landed him at 12.45. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 2.30. The master sent a letter of appreciation to the coxswain and made a donation to the funds of the Institution..