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Rosemary, Hilda II, Betty Sheader and Premier

COBLES ESCORTED AS GALE SPRINGS UP Scarborough, Yorkshire. On the 18th January, 1963, the weather deteriorated rapidly, and as several local fishing boats were at sea the honorary secretary gave permission for the life-boat to be launched. The life-boat J. G. Graves of Sheffield put out at noon in an easterly gale and a rough sea. It was two hours after high water. The life-boat found the fishing boat Rosemary three miles north-east-by-north of the castle and escorted her safely into harbour. The fishing boats Hilda //and Betty Sheader were then met off the castle and they too were escorted in. The life-boat made for a position five miles north-northeast of the castle and there met the fishing coble Premier. This boat was also escorted into harbour, and by then conditions had become much worse and the life-boat had to spread oil on the sea. The life-boat finally reached her station at four o'clock..