DOCTOR TAKEN TO GERMAN MOTOR VESSEL St. Peter Port, Guernsey. At 6.11 on the morning of the 8th March, 1963, the St. Peter Port signal station informed the honorary secretary that the German motor vessel Nova of Stade, which was seven miles south of St. Martin's point, had a sick man on board who needed a doctor. The St. John Ambulance Brigade were asked to find a doctor, and at 6.35 the life-boat Lloyd's, on temporary duty at the station, put out with the doctor and ambulance men on board.
There was a strong south-westerly breeze with a rough sea. The tide was ebbing. The Nova had made good progress with a following wind and tide and was met about a mile south of the pierheads. The doctor, the ambulance men and a member of the crew, who is a pilot, were put on board. The pilot brought the vessel into port, where the sick man received further medical treatment, before the vessel continued on her way. The life-boat reached her station at 7.30..