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LIFE-BOAT BRINGS EXPECTANT MOTHER TO HOSPITAL Campbeltown, Argyllshire. At 11.30 on the morning of the 8th February, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that as a result of an exceptional blizzard in Kintyre every road was completely blocked, telephones were out of order, and Southend was without electricity. It was learnt that the local doctor had been cut off by the snow and that there were two expectant mothers in need of immediate attention.

The doctor asked if one of the women could be conveyed in the life-boat to Campbeltown maternity hospital. The honorary medical adviser volunteered to go with the life-boat City of Glasgow II, which put out at 12.25 in a light eastsouth- easterly breeze and a slight sea. It was high water. The life-boat made for Southend, where she was met by a local boat, which took the doctor ashore. The woman was transferred to the life-boat which at 4.48 reached Campbeltown, where an ambulance took the woman to hospital. Two electricians and a post office engineer, who went to restore the electricity supply and repair a fault in the local telephone exchange, also took passage in the life-boat. A message was later sent from the Southend community to the honorary secretary expressing appreciation of the services rendered..