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J. H. Fisher and Esso Glasgow

PILOT VESSEL AND TANKER IN COLLISION Humber, Yorkshire. At 5.50 on the morning of the 12th January, 1963, the coastguard informed the coxswain superintendent that the pilot vessel /. H.

Fisher and the tanker Esso Glasgow had been in collision. Later a message was received from the Humber Conservancy Board that the pilot vessel was sinking.

The life-boat City of Bradford III was launched at 6.20 in a light north-westerly breeze and a slight sea. It was an hour before high water. The life-boat made for the position, which was a mile and a half south-west of Chequer float, and came up with the Esso Glasgow. The coxswain was told that the pilot vessel was making for the beach. The life-boat went inshore and found two ship's boats with eleven survivors on board from the /. H. Fisher and three empty life-rafts. The pilots would not leave the boats and the life-boat escorted them to Spurn Point. On the way a pilot was put aboard a Russian vessel by the life-boat. The life-boat reached her station at 7.35, and the ten pilots were taken to the homes of the life-boat crew..