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LIFE-BOAT AND TUGS TO HELP OF DUTCH VESSEL St. David's, Pembrokeshire. At 4.45 on the morning of the 4th March, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a Dutch vessel was in distress, and though the position of the vessel was not known some red rockets had been seen in St. Bride's Bay. The life-boat Swn-y-Mor (Civil Service No.

6) was launched at 5.15 in a fresh southeasterly breeze and a moderate sea. It was one hour before low water. On reaching Wooltack Point the life-boat sighted the Dutch vessel Finlandia, of Zwolle, on rocks in Musselwick Bay, but conditions prevented her from approaching within fifty yards of the vessel. The tug Dalegarth had also reached the position, and a line was fired from her but it missed its target.

The life-boat crew eventually succeeded in getting a hawser aboard the Finlandia, and the life-boat towed her clear of the rocks. The Finlandia had been badly holed, and had a severe list to starboard. The tug Angle Gate, which had arrived with pumping gear, pumped water from the Finlandia, and when this had been done the two tugs, accompanied by the life-boat, towed the vessel to Broadhaven beach, where necessary repairs could be carried out.

The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 4.30 in the afternoon..