A Dinghy
HIRED BOAT FOUND IN TIDE RACE Port Erin, Isle of Man. At 4.20 on theafternoonofthe26thMarch, 1963, the honorary secretary was informed by the coxswain that a boat had been hired out to two students on condition that they stayed inside the breakwater. After a time the boat owner, finding they were not in the bay, had gone to look for them. He went to the adjoining headland, but could not see them. When the boat became overdue it was decided to launch the life-boat, and at 4.29 the life-boat Matthew Simpson put out in a light south-south-westerly breeze and a slight sea. It was two hours before low water. The missing dinghy was found under sail on the north side of the Calf of Man and taken in tow by the lifeboat.
The life-boat was finally rehoused at 5.40. When the dinghy was examined it was found to have a broken rudder pintle, and it would have been impossible for the students to return to Port Erin without help as they were in a tide race..