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GERMAN MOTOR VESSEL TOWED CLEAR Mallaig, Inverness-shire. At 12.50 on the morning of the 30th September, 1962, the coastguard was informed by the Laird of Canna that a small coaster was ashore on the island. The life-boat E. M. M. Gordon Cubbin left her moorings at 1.10 in a strong southerly gale and a very rough sea. It was low water.

When she reached the island the Canna light was found to be out, and the coxswain decided that because of the high wind and rain the life-boat should heave to off the Isle of Canna. A trawler near by gave the coxswain a radio bearing soon afterwards, and the lifeboat then proceeded inshore. The motor vessel Widder of Bremen was found ashore near the harbour mouth. At high water a rope was passed to the vessel, and she was taken in tow to deeper water. The tow rope was then disconnected and the Widder proceeded under her own power, escorted by the life-boat, to Rhum harbour. It was then found that five of the crew of nine on board the Widder had landed on Canna before the arrival of the life-boat, and she returned to pick up these men and landed them on Rhum Island. She reached her station at three o'clock..