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FISHING BOAT TOWED AFTER ENGINE FAILS Eyemouth, Berwickshire. At 2.4 on the morning of the 10th October, 1962, the coastguard passed on to the motor mechanic, in the absence of the honorary secretary, a message from the fishery cruiser Belton that the fishing vessel Thor needed help four and a half miles north-east of St. Abbs Head. There was a gentle southerly breeze with a moderate sea. Visibility was deteriorating rapidly. The life-boat Clara and Emily Harwell was launched at 7.15 on an ebbing tide and made for the position given. She came up with the casualty at 4.20 and found that her engines had broken down and she had no power to raise her anchor. The Thor slipped her anchor cable at 4.30 and was taken in tow by the life-boat, which returned to Eyemouth, arriving at 7.30. As the Thor's emergency anchor was unable to hold the vessel, the life-boat stood by until the tide had flooded sufficiently to enable the Thor to be towed into Eyemouth harbour. The life-boat was rehoused at 11.15..